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Software for Data & Digital Scholarship

Information about DiSC-supported software for the collection, processing, analysis or display of numeric, text, or geospatial data

Library Databases for Learning Software

Start Here - Comprehensive Sources

Subscribed Platforms

These have a wide variety of high-quality resources from basics to advanced topics. Free for Mason Students, Faculty, and Staff. 

Teaching? Add direct links to books or chapters in Blackboard with Leganto.

Teaching? Ask Learning Support Services for "Curator" status to create your own Learning Path

Foundational & Consumer Skills

These are free tutorials that include focusing on basics, general knowledge, or widely-useful skills. Links are directly to software-focused tutorials, but these also have a wide variety of non-technology topics.

  • GCF Learn Free - Technology - A large collection of text and some video and/or follow-along tutorials
    • For most general computing topics, such as getting started with computers and the internet and using common software (such as Microsoft Office). The tutorials start from the beginning but include lots of tips that could benefit anybody.
  • Crash Course - Computer Science - Video series produced by PBS for TV (40 ~12 min episodes)
    • Includes historical context and special topics such as Natural Language Processing and Hackers. Produced in 2017, but most is still relevant

Online Course Platforms

Most courses on these platforms are free to audit or participate without earning a certificate. The topics range from basics to more advanced, but are usually better for those with foundational skills.

Teaching? See MIT Open CourseWare and other Open Educational Resources

Professional and Applied Computing

For [Aspiring] Professionals

Check out the comprehensive resources linked above first! 

Subscribed Sources

Free for Mason Students, Faculty, and Staff. See the location of specific certification resources and trade magazines at the IT InfoGuide.

Company-Created Learning

Includes free materials on their specific software, but also many related topics, some of which also give certifications. May also include paid learning options. 

Other Free Courses

Data Science & Programming

Data Science & Programming

Check out the Comprehensive Sources first. Some of the [Aspiring] IT Professional options include these topics as well, though specific recommendations are also included below.


Free Interactive

These are all free resources with a learning progression and interactive or hands-on elements. Some require creating accounts.

Data & Digital Scholarship Services (DDSS/DiSC)

Data & Digital Scholarship Services, helps researchers with creating, finding, and using datageographic information systems (GIS); research data management and sharing; digital humanities and digital project planning and management.

For more information, check out

or contact us at