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Software for Data & Digital Scholarship

Information about DiSC-supported software for the collection, processing, analysis or display of numeric, text, or geospatial data

The R Project for Statistical Computing is a free, open source statistical computing language that is popular among researchers in many fields. 

The learning curve for true understanding is steep, but specific tasks (e.g., importing files from other statistical software) are often quite easy because of packages that can be created by anybody. R undergoes rapid development and improvement. Tutorials even a year old may be out of date

Note that RStudio is currently in the process of changing names to Posit. Various tutorials may reference one or the other, but both are acceptable at this time.

  • R for Data Management
  • R for Statistical Analysis
  • R for Data Visualization

See the slides from our Getting Started with R (pdf) workshop for an overview and recommendations.

Access to R & RStudio

Start Here

RStudio = Posit (the company is changing names)


Video walk-through specifically for Windows or Mac (OpenIntro)

  • NOTE: The RStudio / Posit website undergoes frequent changes so the process of downloading RStudio will be slightly different. But, the links/buttons use the same names (and have blue backgrounds to stand out).
  • See also the interactive Setup Tutorial
    • Install R
    • Install RStudio
    • Install Packages

Comprehensive Resources

Solutions to Exercises

This book is one of the best resources and good to either read or refer to. However, non-programmers who want help with the very first steps should look elsewhere.


  • Using RStudio  (~8min) (LinkedIn Learning - Log in with Mason)
  • Notebooks
    • Note: R Markdown documents look and work the same as Quarto documents. But, Quarto provides more features, including a visual editor and multi-language support. If your instructor asks you to use R Markdown, the Quarto video will still be useful. Or, you might politely ask your instructor if you can submit a Quarto document instead, as they may not know about this new feature.
    • Quarto Visual Editor [Part 1] (~10min, Andy Field)

R Infoguide

Learn R Infoguide: Table of Contents