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George Mason University Infoguides | University Libraries
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Hye Jung's Playground

Test location for learning libguides

New Education Books

Education Collections

Books and More...
Most of the education materials are located in the "L" call number range, however, you may find related sources in other call number areas -- for example, psychology. The "L" call numbered books are shelved in the Fenwick Library on the fourth floor of the C wing.

Curriculum and Juvenile Collections The library's curriculum collection is located on the 1st floor of the Fenwick Library in the old B wing.  Mason is a public review site for Virginia Department of Education's textbooks and instructional materials adopted for use in Virginia K-12 schools.

Education Journals are shelved alphabetically by title on the compact shelving located on the 1st floor of Fenwick Library in the new wing.

Electronic journals (e-journals), databases, and other full-text, online sources are accessible through the library's Web site.

» Use the Mason Library Catalog to find books and print journal subscriptions.

» Use the E-Journal Finder to locate electronic journal subscriptions.

Tests and Measurements The University Libraries do not have a test collection, however, we do own Tests in Microfiche from ETS.  Out of print tests and tests in the public domain can be obtained from a variety of sources. The Kellar Library in Finley Hall 116. The Tests & Measurements subject guide explains what is available to you.

ERIC Documents Many ERIC documents have been digitized and are available through the ERIC database.  The library has ERIC Documents on microfiche for access to those publications that have not been digitized.  The ERIC fiche collection is stored in the old C wing in the Fenwick Library If you are a distance/off campus student you can request a ERIC document, click on this link: Interlibrary Loan , then select InterCampus Loan. The micfofiche will be pulled, you will be notified when it is available for use.  You can get the ED number from the ERIC database as well as a limited number of ERIC documents.

e-Book Collections

Find Books at Mason


Still can't find the item? Use Interlibrary Loan (ILL) to request books, media and articles from other libraries when they are not available at Mason or the WRLC. Start your research early if you want to take advantage of this wonderful service as it can take up to 2 weeks.