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Find Data for Analysis

Popular sources for accessing research data sets for dissertations or class projects

Find Qualitative Data

Large Data Archives

Focused Collections

  • Qualitative Data Repository aka QDR (Syracuse University) -  stores digital data generated and analyzed through qualitative and multi-method research.
  • American Folklife Center (Library of Congress) - Contains several special projects such as the Veterans History Project, the Civil Rights History Project, StoryCorps and more.
  • Henry A. Murray Research Archive - A repository for quantitative and qualitative research data that includes data, audio, and video.
  • Irish Qualitative Data Archive - A central access point for qualitative social science data generated in or about Ireland.

Case Studies

  • SAGE Research Methods and Cases Online aka SRMO: Includes a searchable collection of case studies of real social research, commissioned and designed to help users understand abstract methodological concepts in practice.

​Find a Repository

  • re3data: Registry of research data repositories. Search for repositories by broad topic area to identify a data archive that contains qualitative information.

Find Research Studies

For help finding qualitative data in published research studies or articles, contact your subject librarian.

More about Qualitative Methods

Qualitative research is a methodology that can be applied to textual or multimedia data involving a personal examination of the data by the researcher to find meaning.  

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  • Digital Humanities - Also known as Digital History, it is the application of computation tools to humanities
  • Text Analysis Tools - Computational or quantitative approaches to text analysis

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