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Leganto - Course Reserves

Instruction and guidance for Faculty and Staff for using Leganto in Blackboard to manage their e-reserves

Rolling Over Existing Lists

Leganto allows instructors to rollover existing reading lists that were made during previous semesters. To do so, please follow these steps: 

  1. Go to 'Lists' in Leganto. 
  2. Click the Ellipsis button [ . . . ] to the left of the reading list you would like to rollover. 
  3. Click 'Roll Over list'. 
  4. Enter in the Course Registration Number / Course Code. 
  5. Select Course. 
  6. Click 'Roll Over'. 

Managing Course Association (Linking One List with Multiple Courses)

A reading list is able to be utilized in multiple sections and/or courses. To associate a single reading list with multiple sections, follow these steps:

  1.  Go to your lists in Leganto. 
  2. Click the Ellipsis Button [ . . . ].
  3. Click 'Manage Course Association'. 

  4. Enter in the Course Registration Number / Course Code. 
  5. Select Course. 
  6. Click 'Associate & Close'. 

Exporting Your Lists For Future Use

Once you have created a List in Leganto, you can export it into a file that you can then use in the future to add a ready-made list to a new Course.

This can be especially useful for new Faculty who are inheriting existing Courses with a well defined set of readings and materials for easy and immediate Importing to cut down on the time needed to prepare their Blackboard Course page for their students.



An Export of a List can be created in a variety of File Formats, shown right. 

  • The usual choice will be the *.lgn file type
  • The RIS option is useful for then Importing into a Tool like Zotero
  • The Word or PDF option is worthwhile for creating a separate document with embedded links to Leganto and the Libraries' resources for students who may need a persistent document if internet access is an obstacle
  • If you are unsure which option is best, Ask Your Librarian!  

Using an Existing List or Importing a List

There are two ways to drop a ready made List into Course Reserves (Leganto).  Both options are best done before adding any other materials or sources into a given Course's lists. 

  • An existing shared list
  • An exported list (*.lgn) file

Add the existing list or previous exported list, and then amend and/or add the sources as desired.

Importing a list from a file is relatively straight forward.  With the file in-hand, enter Course Reserves (Leganto) and from that initial page, select the Upload It choice as seen below and select the file from its location on your computer and you're in business.

If looking for an existing List, you may need to select the Leave this page and explore the application option at the bottom of the above screen.  Once within Course Reserves (Leganto), look for the FIND LISTS option on the left, shown below.

Upon selecting FIND LISTS you can then search by List Title, Course Title, Instructor, utilize Advanced Search options, or choose from a short range of Recommended Lists, as shown below.