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Collect Data with a Survey

Resources for learning about and conducting public opinion and other research surveys, including recruitment, questionnaire design, and online survey software.



You may be required to use SPSS, Stata, SAS, or R by your instructor, department, or advisor. But, there are many other options that you can use on your own computer.

But, there are other options:

  • Jamovi *Recommended* - Free, Open Source point-and-click software built on R, can open SPSS, Stata, and SAS files.
  • PSPP - Free, Open Source implementation of the basic SPSS abilities (including basic ANOVA and Regression)
  • Qualtrics - Has some rudimentary tools that may be sufficient for some purposes, see below.
  • Excel - This can be appropriate for small, simple datasets that need descriptive statistics
    • Note that it is not necessary to use numbers to represent categories (just type the category name consistently).
    • Definitely learn how to use the Table and Pivot Table functions.
    • We do NOT recommend using Excel for doing analysis (ex. p-values)

Qualtrics' Tools

You can do many types of analysis and visualization through Qualtrics if you used it for data collection.