Use the following products to create a web map including an interactive mapping application.
ArcGIS Online - See ArcGIS Online Help to do it all with ArcGIS Online (Map, Application, Share etc); has own repository to search data to add to your map [Open Source for basic functions to create web maps and web mapping applications such as Story Maps].
Enables users to quickly create professional-quality thematic maps and reports using demographic, business, and marketing data. Data includes Census (1980 - Present), American Community Survey, and both Simmons and MRI Consumer Survey Data. Users may create accounts to save their work. Access is for 5 concurrent users. For more information, see the SimplyAnalytics InfoGuide.
Access current and historical census and American Community Survey data plus U.S. public data on a variety of topics such as crime, health, education and more. Includes data from Canada, UK, and Eurostat. Create maps and reports to illustrate, analyze, and understand demography and social change.
Comprises a worldwide population database compiled on a 30" X 30" latitude/longitude grid. Covers the entire globe, excluding Antarctica, and is updated annually. LandScan algorithm uses spatial data and imagery analysis technologies and the most up-to-date census data within an administrative boundary. Developed and published by Oak Ridge National Laboratory for the U.S. Government. Access to the raw data is also available via the use of ArcGIS software. For more information, please contact Jack Tieszen, GIS Librarian.