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Geospatial Data & GIS

A guide to help you discover geospatial data and GIS resources and services available for your research

Online Mapping Products

Use the following products to create a web map including an interactive mapping application. 

  • ArcGIS Online - See ArcGIS Online Help to do it all with ArcGIS Online (Map, Application, Share etc); has own repository to search data to add to your map [Open Source for basic functions to create web maps and web mapping applications such as Story Maps].
  • Google My Maps - See My Maps Help Center to create maps [Open Source].
  • CARTO (CartoDB) - See Carto Help to make maps and visualize data using CartoDB; has own repository to search data to your map [Semi Open Source].
  • Mason subscribed databases for data and mapping: China Geoexplorer, Landscan,  SimplyMaps, Social Explorer, PolicyMaps, etc.
  • Tableau - See a basic tutorial for web mapping. More information and tutorials about Tableau mapping can be found here.

Interactive Mapping Databases [Mason Affiliates Only]

Related Guides for Web Mapping