SimplyAnalytics is a web mapping application to create maps and download data with shapefiles (for GIS)
Data Coverage: 1980-2010: U.S. Census Decennial and American Community Survey Data, five-year population projection, business and marketing data from MRI. The historical data is normalized based on the latest Census geographic boundary. So SA is great for use comparison of data through time based on the common geographical unit.
Geographic Coverage: U.S. statewide, congressional districts, counties, cities, census tracts, block groups and Zip codes.
To Get Started: Click SimplyAnalytics (SA) database from the databases web site, Log-in with your Mason NetID and password
In a box for New Project, type a location name you want to map (ex. District of Columbia) and enter "Create Project"
A default map shows up with a choice of Median Household Income, Education and Population data. You can select your own data by clicking on "DATA" menu on the left of the map. Follow the next step of this guide, "Select Variables and Locations."
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