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EDIT 803: Design-Based Research

Begin your research

Welcome to the EDIT 803: Design-based Research

Use this guide to locate sources to use for your course assignments.

  • Use Effective Research Strategies - Tips for identifying key words and synonyms as well as forming searches
  • Find Background on different types of research - links to Mason resources on research design and types of research
  • Find Articles - Key databases and journals which examine the impact of distance education on teachers and learners
  • Find Books - Search the Mason and Washington Research Library Consortium catalogs for books which examine the impact of distance education on teachers and learners
  • Find Web Resources - Key websites online education related to distance education
  • Find Online Tutorials -   tutorials on beginning your research, finding & evaluating resources, using Zotero to create citations
  • Write & Cite - Information on Zotero and contacting the Writing Center
  • Get Help - Chat with a librarian or setup an appointment with the Education Librarian

Education meta search tool

This tool allows you conduct a real-time search across 20 databases and ejournal collections.


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