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HDFS 200: Individual and Family Development

Use this guide to locate resources for HDFS 200 (Individual & Family Development)

Guide Retirement Human Development

Library course guides for classes in the School of Human Development and Family Science will be retired Summer 2025. Subject guides will not be affected.

Begin your research

Welcome to the HDFS 200 (Individual & Family Development) Infoguide

Use this guide to locate sources to use for your course assignments.

  • Refine a Topic - describes how to narrow your topic, brainstorm keywords and types of searches
  • Find Articles - Key databases, journals for individual & family development or search for a specific journal
  • Find Books - Search the Mason and Washington Research Library Consortium catalogs for resources on individual & family development
  • Find Videos - Videos and streaming videos related to indivudal & family development.  Click the link to access the Teaching Channel
  • Find Websites - Professional organizations related to Human Development & Family Science
  • Write & Cite - Examples of how to cite sources in APA format, information on Zotero and contacting the Writing Center for writing assistance
  • Get Help - Chat with a librarian, use How Do I? to get step by step instructions to help you use the Library's resources, or meet with the Education Librarian

HDFS 200 Assignment

The main project for this course is the Genogram Project.  You will be required to complete a genogram project.  There are two parts to this assignment: a family genogram (which is like a “family tree”) and a paper/report.

  • Genogram Diagram:Your genogram should include as much pertinent information as possible for each family member (ages, names, health status, education level, occupation for starters). It is also important to show graphically relationship quality indicators (marriage/divorce dates, length of cohabitation, highly conflictual/abusive relations, highly cohesive/supportive relations, etc.).
  • Genogram Report:
    • Your genogram paper should be written in MS Word, double-spaced, using 12-point font with a page MAXIMUM of 5 pages (including references).
    • You should include 6 sections in your paper and use the following headers:
      • INTRODUCTION, where you introduce the three themes that you will explore in your paper;
      • THEME 1: ________, which identifies the first theme to be examined. For each theme, be sure to draw linkages to course concepts and relate the theme to research findings in your text and in the extant literature. Be sure to provide references. Example themes might include a pattern of marital stability through the generations, a pattern of divorce and remarriage, parenting practices used across the generations, sibling relationships across the generations, single-parenting, health problems (e.g., diabetes, alcoholism, drug abuse, cancer, heart disease, mental health issues), commitment to education, etc. You should include a discussion of both micro-level processes and macro-level forces throughout the themes;
      • THEME 2: ________;
      • THEME 3: ________;
      • REFERENCES (typically students reference the course text and readings as well as any other resources utilized in applying your theme/pattern to your family system. For example, it is recommended that you find journal articles related to your themes or a helpful website—these should all be referenced to give credit where credit is due and to avoid plagiarism!  See the Write & Cite tab in this course guide for examples of how to cite sources in APA.

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