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A guide describing how to use Tropy, a research photo management tool

Installing Tropy

Before installation

  1. Identify where your photographs are located on your computer, including the folder and its location in your file system. If you need help with this step, see the Using a Computer page of the Working with Data infoguide.
  2. Determine if your photographs are in a format that is compatible with Tropy. The following are some of the file formtas Tropy currently supports: 
    • JPG/JPEG
    • PNG
    • SVG
    • TIFF
    • GIF
    • PDF
    • JP2000
    • WEBP
    • HEIC
    • AVIF
  3. Read Tropy's documentation about rights to archival materials. The owner of the archival materials you are using in your research might have the legal right to restrict your use or publication of those materials. 
  4. Read Tropy's documentation on metadata. Familiarize yourself with what metadata is, why it is important, where it comes from, and how to use standards and vocabularies. You can also learn about metadata and Tropy templates, tags, and photo metadata. 

Installing Tropy

Download Tropy from the Tropy website. Tropy can be used on macOS, Windows, and Linux. Choose the version that matches your operating system. Tropy is free; you do not need to pay to use this software. Follow the prompts to install Tropy on your computer.