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Software: Learn Python for Data

Resources to learn and use the Open Source Programming Environment Python for Data Science.

OER Textbooks + Lectures

The following books are Open Educational Resources (OER), available for free to be used, shared, and even remixed.

Focuses on Data and Informatics. See all OER materials including Video, Audio, Lecture Slides & Handouts, Sample Code, and the Github Repository

Python for Everybody was remixed from Think Python, which focuses more on general programming.

Learn about programming concepts like iteration and classes, using Python. Used by introductory classes at Mason. Originally called "How to Think Like a Computer Scientist".

How to Think Like a Computer Scientist, on which Think Python was itself based,
was remixed into Learn Python the Right Way which focuses more on on practice.

Uses the online IDE Replit instead of needing to install Python and adds projects for practice. Available in Markdown on Github

OER Classes + Lectures

Open Courses

These tend to be computer science classes that happen to use Python, and thus are more in-depth than many data analysts need to know. But, they are still wonderful classes.