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Learn Python for Data

Resources to learn and use the Open Source Programming Environment Python for Data Science.


Assume I know nothing!

These go slowly and assume NO prior knowledge or computer experience. Includes installation, use of the command line and text editor (Atom, unless specified), data types, conditional expressions, and functions.

Just the Basics (~2 hrs follow-along Video)

  • Programming Foundations: Fundamentals (Annyce Davis, LinkedIn Learning) - Uses VSCode
    • Good to learn about programming basics even if you do not end up using Python
  • Python Basics (Coding is for girls)
    • A little girly in style, but explains everything in plain language. Uses command line.

Comprehensive Courses (Textbook + ~10+ hrs Video) - Click the title for a table of contents.

  • Goes more in depth about basic topics, ends with website actions
  • Video: Online free through Mason, or for purchase