Regular Expressions are fancy wildcards. Typically abbreviated "regex", they allow you to find / match as well as replace inexact patterns and even special characters (like tabs and line breaks) in text. This is useful in many programming languages, but also for finding-and-replacing in documents. Most programming languages and many text editors, including Microsoft Word (2010+) allow the use of standard regex symbols and syntax. There are some differences in how regular expressions work in different software, but much of the basics are identical. The term "grep" which is used by programmers synonymous with search, stands for "global regular expression print".
Regular Expressions and Wildcards can be used for finding and replacing or removing text in a file, database, or filename. It is very powerful and can even assist in cleaning and reformatting data.
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The vast majority of RegEx symbols are exactly the same across software, so these resources are broadly useful.
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