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Data Visualization

Learn about best practices and tools to visualize data using charts and maps.

This page is organized by focus, which tends to correspond with the software used. Within each topic are some experts who have lots of advice. Each person has a unique style.

Jump to the section that interests you:

Business Focused / Using Excel

Ann K. Emery (Depict Data Studio)

  • Applies to any technical information with some how-tos' for Excel & Tableau
  • See her Chart Chooser (interactive) Focused collection with commentary and resources. See her design process.

Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic  (Storytelling With Data)

Research Data (Excel / Tableau)

Stephanie Evergreen (EvergreenData)

Jonathan Schwabish (PolicyViz)

Data Science (R, D3)

Nathan Yao (Flowing Data)  

General Principles (No Software)

Edward Tufte

Stephen Few's Library (PerceptualEdge)