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Leganto (Course Reserves)

Creating Your Reading List

At this point, Leganto has been successfully activated and linked to your course menu. Once, you click the Course Menu link for Leganto, the following screen should display. 

If you are new to using Leganto, select Create a New Reading List from Scratch



Naming Your Reading List & Selecting a Template

Selecting Create a New Reading List from Scratch will prompt you to name your reading list! This could be the course name, course code, or anything else you would like this reading list to be known as. From there, Leganto will prompt you to select a template for how you would like to structure your reading list. 

Reading Lists can be exported as .lgn files and are able to be imported back into Leganto by following these steps: 

1.  Go to the Welcome Screen [and/or Click the +New List button in Leganto if you are creating a reading list in advance of future semesters].

2. Click "Create from Scratch" 

3.  Name your Reading List.

4. Click “Import” to select and import your .lgn file. 

5. Click the Create button. 

Leganto allows instructors to create reading lists outside of a course within an LMS.

These reading lists can later be linked to a course within an LMS by following the steps under Leganto Advanced Functions

1. To access Leganto outside of an LMS, please click this link:

2. Log in to Leganto utilizing your Mason NetID and password

3. Click the '+ New List' button.

4. Create a title for your reading list. 

5. Click the Create button.

6. Select which template works best for you! 

7. Proceed to Step 2: Adding Items to Your Reading List.

Adding Course Materials/Reserves

Adding content from the University Libraries is an easy and direct way to add both physical and electronic resources to your reading list for your students. 

1. Click the Add Items + button.

2. Utilize the search feature that appears on the right to search for the desired item. 

3. Once you locate the resource needed, you can either:

  • Click-and-drag the item from the search area on the right into the central area to add it to your list, or
  • Click on the desired item and utilize the blue ADD button to add it to your list. 

4. Proceed to Step 3: Tagging Your Citations to learn how to mark items for Course Reserves!

1. To add files to a reading list, click on ADD ITEMS +.

2. Click on Upload a File

3. Drag and drop to upload files, or click to browse for file.

4. Update any information that Leganto was unable to find.

5. Click ADD to save the item to the list.

Some items may not be available online through the University Libraries, may be from an outside open source (YouTube for example), or some other situation or circumstance. 

In these cases, you may need to create a citation manually. 


1. To add citations manually to a reading list, click on ADD ITEMS +.

2. Click the BLANK FORM button. 

3. Click TYPE and select the type of resource you want to add to your reading list. 

4. Input citation information into appropriate fields for your course material. 




1. To install, click on the circle icon containing your username and select Cite It!

2. Drag & drop the Cite It! link to the browser’s toolbar.

How to Use Cite It! 

1. Find a web resource and add the item by clicking on the Cite It! widget in the bookmarks bar.

2. Edit the citation and choose the Reading List and desired Section.

3. Click Add.


Adding Book Chapters to Your Reading List

Adding book chapters either through the university library search function or manually is easy! 

1. Click the Add Items + button.

2. Utilize the search feature that appears on the right to search for the desired item. Or follow the instructions for utilizing the blank form function to create a citation for non-Mason owned materials. 

3. Click the Add & Edit button.

4. Change Type to Book Chapter.

5. Input Chapter Citation Information.