You may register to vote from your campus address and provide your current resident hall name and dorm number. You will need to change this voting address when you move.
Use your HUB mailing address at 4450 Rivanna River Way, PMB #, Fairfax, VA 22030 as your residence address, however, question 4 of the voter registration form MUST include the residence hall with your room number in the fillable area.
You may vote on campus or utilize Fairfax County's mail-in/absentee voting or early voting options.
If you used to live on campus (in the spring) and are registered to vote on campus, you may vote on campus or request an absentee ballot--see the "Ways to Vote" tab. You may also choose to change your registration to your current home address. If you want to do this, you must re-register online, in-person, or by mail. See above to register in Virginia and see below to find out more about another state.
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