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ProQuest TDM Studio

A guide on how to access and use ProQuest TDM Studio

Part 1: Create Your Project

  1. To access visualizations, log in to ProQuest TDM Studio at and select visualizations.
  2. Within the visualization dashboard, you can create and have access to ten projects. Each project can contain up to 10,000 documents. From the dashboard you are able to manage and interact with your projects using analysis methods. Click create new dataset to begin.
  3. Select visualization: Choose one or more visualization methods. Geographic analysis maps articles based on locations named within the articles. Topic modeling groups keywords based on their occurrence in the documents in order to create a topic. Sentiment analysis extracts the emotions or affective states from documents within your project and tracks them over time. Click next when finished.
  4. Search and refine: In the search box, enter your search terms. You will be searching across a variety of ProQuest databases. You can refine your search results by publication date, publication title, databases, source type, and document type. Only 10,000 documents can be analyzed per project. Click save dataset when finished.
  5. Create project: You will be given a summary of your project that includes document count, visualization(s), and your search query. Enter a descriptive project name and click create project.
  6. A dialog box will appear that says your project was successfully submitted. It can take a few hours for your selected visualization to complete.
  7. You will be redirected to the dashboard. Each project includes a name, date range, search, data source, document count, data created, and visualization method(s). Once the project has been successfully generated, you can click the visualization(s) to open it. Click delete to delete the project.