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Library Search Tips & Features

This guide will help you do better searches when looking for library resources.

What is a Browse Search?

Browse Searches are specialized searches that limit your search to one specific category, e.g. title, author, or call number.  Using a browse search will limit your search and help you zero in on the resources you need.  

This is how a browse search works:

  • I am looking for the book War and Peace, so I choose the Title Browse and enter my search terms.
  • The search looks ONLY in the title category to find matches.
  • When the results are displayed, ALL of the Titles will have the term War and Peace in it!  I can now browse the results list to find the book I want!

image of title browse results

Access the Browse Searches

Before, if you used Title, Author or Call Number searches in the classic Mason Catalog:

Image of old Mason catalog search box

Now you must use the Browse Search:

  • On the Library home page, click on Advanced Search beneath the search box.
  • Locate the Browse Search option at the top of the next page.

Image of browse search options

  • Change your search from Author to Title, or call number using the dropdown menu.

Browse search dropdown image

  • Select the search category you want, enter your search terms and click on submit.
  • Browse through your results to find what you need.

Browse search dropdown menu image