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QUANTitative Analysis & Statistics

This is a "starting point" guide for those taking a statistics and [quantitative] data analysis courses and/or doing a data analysis project.
On this page

Structuring a Paper

Structuring a Paper

Writing About Data

Writing About Data

With many examples (including "Poor", "Better", and "Best" versions), this book shows how to understand your data as well as take the perspective of the reader. Learn to explain everything from a single number to the results of multiple logistic regressions in plain words (though not every type of relationship or test is covered). See also her Supplementary Materials including Podcasts (Video) presentations of slides.

  • Writing with Statistics from Purdue OWL
    • Tips and examples for newer researchers reporting descriptive and basic inferential statistics.
  • Statistical Writing from UCLA OARC
    • A lengthy, tip-filled guide for graduate or advanced students using regressions or other modeling.

Writing about Results

Writing About Results

Always be careful using these templates for writing up results. They are specific to the way the data was coding and the specific research question. You may need to include more, less, or different information in your field or for particular journals. The best model is from your advisor, colleague, or another paper in your field. 

Organized by test with additional FAQs, explanations, and commentary, this book is a well organized compilation with complete examples of reporting each test, including a description of the findings and the test results in APA style. Includes Descriptive Statistics, Reliability, and standard tests up to ANOVA and Multiple Regression, plus a chapter on tables.

  • Guide on reporting statistics in APA Style (7th ed.) pdf pg. 56  from the University of Lincoln Library MASH
    • With both general guidelines and examples for basic parametric AND non-parametric statistics up to Mixed ANOVA and Multiple linear regression.  
    • See also their SPSS 'How to' Guides with APA write up examples also including screenshots of the setup in SPSS with the same tests but different examples.
  • A Sourcebook of Basic Statistical Methods from Craig A. Wendorf
    • A worked example with calculations and a complete textual write-up of the displayed results in APA Style. PLUS, step-by-step instructions AND one-page annotated output for SPSS, jamovi, JASP, R (base and EASI package). Most common parametric tests, but NOT Regressions or Chi-Square.
  • How to Write APA Style Results Playlist from Alexander Swan
    • 9 15-25 min videos using Jamovi output, but relevant to any software.

If none of the above cover your situation, check the Psychology Resource Archive by University of Nebraska, which has a huge collection of short pdfs on specific analyses, many (but not all) with example write-ups. Also with instructions and output from SPSS.

More APA Style

Using APA Style for Numbers and Statistics