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QUANTitative Analysis & Statistics

This is a "starting point" guide for those taking a statistics and [quantitative] data analysis courses and/or doing a data analysis project.


Written Reference

  • Analyzing Quantitative Data 6 pg pdf (UWEX) - Choosing and presenting descriptive statistics such as: frequencies, percentages, center, variability, and group comparisons. Shows taking the mean of ordinal data.
  • A basic outline of regression analysis - UK Social and General Statistics Section of the House of Commons Library  
  • Statology - Sells a course, but has good short tutorials for tons of topics. For review/conceptual understanding and software.

Database of Books and Writings


Read & Watch

Project-Focused Tutorials

For those who will work with secondary survey data, or any survey data in SPSS:

For those working with other software, especially with secondary data:

  • Passion Driven Statistics -Ebook and videos with all the materials for a one-semester practical data analysis class that uses bivariate analysis with comparisons for moderation. See videos for SAS, Python, R, and Stata (video lengths vary). Uses Base R for data management.


U Amsterdam has multiple Video Playlists with short and useful tutorials on relevant concepts. See the tab for all their videos; you can pick and choose which topics you need. 

Passion Driven Statistics

"A multidisciplinary, project-based curriculum that supports students in conducting original research, asking original questions, and communicating methods and results using the language of statistics." See the website for an E-Book with videos, code, and assignment

The following videos linked here (to YouTube, or see the website) do not demonstrate any software (used for SPSS). See videos for SAS, Python, R, and Stata (video lengths vary). Uses Base R for data management.

Note: Explanatory Variable = Independent Variable (IV), Response Variable = Dependent Variable (DV)

1 ~ 6 min
2 ~ 25 min
3 ~ 8 min
4 ~ 7 min
5 ~ 7 min
6 ~ 17 min
7 ~ 6 min
8 ~ 31 min
9 ~ 10 min
10 ~ 12 min
11 ~ 8 min
12 ~ 2 min
13 Causation n/a
       includes Simple Regression t=19
~ 22 min
15 ~ 15 min

UK Data Service


Data skills modules

Interactive text and video tutorials

  • Survey data (with SPSS) - Learn about how to find survey data from the UK and around the world, what you need to know about it before you can start analysing it, and how to produce simple tables and graphs for your research or reports.
  • Aggregate data - Learn where to find these data, how to produce summary statistics using them and how to create a choropleth map.

These suggest completing the surveys module first.

  • Longitudinal data - Learn what longitudinal studies are available, key features and issues with using longitudinal data and how to start some basic analyses.
  • Exploring crime surveys with R (Beta version) - Learn where to find survey data to explore crime and how to access it. This module also covers getting started with survey data using R Studio including basic functions, exploratory analysis, visualisations and conducting weighted analyses.


YouTube Channel

These include the videos from the above DataSkills modules.

University of Amsterdam / Research Methods & Statistics

Selected playlists are expanded to highlight important topics.

Videos are typically 5-8 minutes.


Basic Statistics
  1. Exploring Data (9)
    1. Cases, variables and levels of measurement
    2. Data matrix and frequency table
    3. Graphs and shapes of distributions
    4. Mode, median and mean
    5. Range, interquartile range and box plot
    6. Variance and standard deviation
    7. Z-scores
    8. Example
  2. Correlation and Regression (8)
    1. Contingency tables and scatterplots
    2. Pearson's r
    3. Finding the regression line
    4. Describing the regression line
    5. How well does the regression line fit
    6. Correlation is not causation
    7. Example contingency table - Note: Column percentages were chosen because the columns held the "Independent Variable" (the variable that "comes first" and/or is hypothesized to cause the other).
    8. Example Pearson's r and regression
  3. Probability (11)
  4. Probability Distributions (8)
  5. Sampling Distributions (7)
  6. Confidence Intervals (7)
  7. Significance Tests (7)
Inferential Statistics
  1. Comparing two groups (9)
  2. Categorical association (6)
  3. Simple regression (9)
  4. Multiple regression (8)
    1. Regression model
    2. R and R-squared
    3. Overall F-test
    4. Individual T-tests
    5. Checking assumptions
    6. Categorical predictors
    7. Categorical response variable
    8. Interpreting results
  5. Analysis of variance (6)
  6. Non-parametric tests (6)
Quantitative Methods
  1. Origins of Science (10)
  2. The Scientific Method (10)
  3. Research Designs (11)
  4. Measurement (10)
    1. Operationalization
    2. Measurement structure
    3. Measurement levels
    4. Variable types
    5. Measurement validity
    6. Measurement reliability
    7. Survey, questionnaire and test
    8. Scales and response options
    9. Response and rater bias
    10. Other measurement types
  5. Sampling (9)
  6. Practice, Ethics and Integrity (9)

Eva Witesman

In management


Data Management

Data Cleaning
Data Structure



Less-Unique Videos



Using R
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