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Network Analysis

What is Network Analysis and Social Network Analysis, and how you perform it.

Tools for Analysis & Visualization

  • Gephi - A free graph creation software for PC, Mac, and Linux that specialized in social network analysis.
  • NodeXL - A free add-on for Microsoft Excel on Windows, NodeXL allows users to generate node based graphs directly from an Excel spreadsheet.
  • Palladio - Targeted toward Historians

Top 30 Social Network Analysis & Visualization Tools by KDNuggets

  • A comprehensive review of major social networks analysis and visualization tools with links and short descriptions


Other Tools for Analysis

Other Tools for Visualization

Gephi, iGraph (R, Python), GraphViz, NodeXL

Citation Analysis

  • Sci2 (Science of Science Tool) is a modular toolset specifically designed for the study of science. It supports the temporal, geospatial, topical, and network analysis and visualization of scholarly datasets.
  • VOS Viewer A software tool for constructing and visualizing bibliometric networks, this software allows users to primarily create node networks and heat maps. It is available as a free download, or can be launched directly from their website.