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Media Collections

How to Create an Account

  1. On the Lumière login page, click the “Apply for an Account” tab.
  2. Fill out the required information.
    • The Department URL is the URL for the webpage that displays your department, your name, and your role at the institution.
  3. Wait for approval email, then login as normal.


How to Search for Films

How to Search for Films

  1. Go to the “Search” tab.
  2. Select a particular language, or all languages.
  3. Type your search term in the “find” box.
  4. Choose what the term is, as shown in the image. It’s recommended to use the director’s last name for best results.  
  5. Click “Search.”
    A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated
  6. To order a whole film for student viewing, go to the section, “How to Order a Film or Clip for Student Viewing.”

How to Order a Film or Clip (Obtain a Link)

Watch this quick film on How to Order (obtain a link) a film. Please do not use REQUEST A FILM (this has a different meaning)


How to Search for Clips

How to Search for Clips from a Specific Film

  1. Go to the “Search” tab.
  2. Follow the “How to Search for Films” instructions.
  3. Click “View a list of all clips in this film” (see image below).
    • If this option is unavailable, you will have to create your own clips (See “How to Create Your Own Private Clip”).
  4. Browse the clips. They are displayed chronologically as they appear in the film.
  5. Click the chosen clip.
  6. If you wish to use a clip for class, go to “How to Order a Film or Clip for Student Viewing.”
  7. To save a clip for later, click “Save this clip for later.” You can find your saved clips in the tab “You,” under “Saved Clips.”

How to Create Your Own Clip

When you create private clips, they are not part of the general database. Only you will have access to them.

  1. Click the “Add” tab.
  2. Click “Clip.”
  3. Click “Choose Film.”
  4. Select the language of the film, and scroll down to find the film. Select “Choose this film.”
  5. Fill out the start time and end time of the desired clip (maximum of 5 minutes).
  6. Give the clip a title.

  7. Cut the clip.
  8. To find your clip, go to the tab “You,” then “Clips Created.” Your clips will be listed in alphabetical order.
  9. Clips are cut once every two hours. You can access a clip once it is cut.
    • To share this clip with your students:
      • Once the clip is cut, click “Add this clip to order” and proceed to steps 3-7 of “How to Order a Film or Clip for Student Viewing.

Lumiere Not Working

If you are experiencing difficulties with links from Lumiere. Please follow these steps:

  1. Why does a link not work?
    A. Could be expired.
    B. Issue with patron’s browser.
    Please check the link in a different browser. Clear cookies.
    C. The link in Blackboard/Canvas could be added incorrectly. Contact your professor and verify.

    D. Database could be down.
  1. Students: Please contact your professor first and inform them of the issue so they can verify that the link has not expired.
  2. Faculty if your links are not expired and are added correctly to Blackboard/Canvas and they don't work please gather the following information: Describe the issue for example if you are getting some message, get an image; Title of the film and director’s name, course name and number. Contact: Cindy Badilla-Meléndez, Music, Film Studies and Video Collections Librarian (