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Media Collections

Screen Media Outside the Classroom

Showing films to campus groups outside the classroom requires Public Performance Rights (PPR). The great majority of media in the library does not have PPR, and screening it for a public audience is unauthorized. If you are curious if the library has rights to a film you wish to screen, look it up using the Library Search and click on its record. If it has rights attached to it, the record will have a note entitled "Public Performance Rights." Most films that have PPR can only be screened on campus to Mason students and employees.


Example shoing Public Performance Rights for the film Moonlight in the item record

Streaming Films

The library has access to a few databases of films with Public Performance Rights. Films including Docuseek, and Films on Demand. .
Follow these requirements and if in doubt contact the Music, Film and Media Librarian.

1. Films must be showing on campus

2. Admission can not be charged.

3. The screening cannot be advertised to off campus community.

4. Films can only be screened for Mason students and employees.