Q: How do I properly share library resources with students?
A: View our Library Guide on permalinks to learn more about correctly linking to content. This helps us ensure that we are following copyright regulations, and it allows us to track usage of these items.
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Q: How do I make sure my resources are meeting accessibility guidelines?
Q: How do I get my students access to the Teaching Channel?
A: The Teaching Channel is available to all students at George Mason University through our Databases page. No additional request is required. The databases page can be accessed through the Libraries Homepage under "Databases".
A: Use some of the databases on the Publishing page to help you locate journals relevant for you. You may also want to learn more about where your colleagues publish. This video from UWF helps explain talking to your colleagues about research. Here are some useful questions to ask your colleagues to get started:
What journals have you published in? What are the most desirable journals in which to publish?
What are your thoughts about publishing an article as Open Access, works that available for the general public to access, reuse, and build off of?
Are there other ways to publish that I should consider?