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Software for Data & Digital Scholarship

Information about DiSC-supported software for the collection, processing, analysis or display of numeric, text, or geospatial data

Free Text Mining Tools

The following web-based tools, software programs, and programming languages are used for text analysis. 

  • AntCont. A free text corpus analysis toolkit for concordancing and text analysis
  • Concordle. Creates word clouds based on the user's corpus
  • Lexos. A web-based tool designed for transforming, analyzing, and visualizing texts
  • MALLET. A Java-based package for statistical natural language processing, document classification, clustering, topic modeling, information extraction, and other machine learning applications to text
  • Python. A programming language that is used by many for text mining and analysis. The Programming Historian has a series of lessons on using Python
  • R. Open source statistical analysis software that rely on community driven packages to mine data. The Programming Historian has a series of lessons on using R
  • Text Analysis Portal for Research (TAPoR). Discover research tools for studying texts via a detailed search and curated lists