The sites listed below contain data archived from US government sites across many subject areas. Use these for locating deleted government data.
- Archive of
Preserving U.S. Public Federal Data. "In recent months the Harvard Law School Library Innovation Lab has created a data vault to download, sign as authentic, and make available copies of public government data that is most valuable to researchers, scholars, civil society and the public at large across every field. To begin, they have collected major portions of the datasets tracked by, federal Github repositories, and PubMed.
End of Term Web Archive captures and saves U.S. Government websites at the end of presidential administrations. The EOT has thus far preserved websites from administration changes in 2008, 2012, 2016, and 2020. They are currently accepting
URL nominations for the End of Term 2024 Web Archive.
IPUMS provides census and survey data from around the world integrated across time and space. IPUMS integration and documentation makes it easy to study change, conduct comparative research, merge information across data types, and analyze individuals within family and community contexts. Data and services available free of charge.
U.S. Census & U.S. American Community Survey
U.S. Current Population Survey Microdata
U.S. National Health datasets: National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Data for Social, Economic, and Health Research (MEPS)
U.S. Higher Ed: Scientists and Engineers Statistical Data System (SESTAT), National Survey of College Graduates (NSGC), National Survey of Recent College Graduates (NSRGC), and Survey of Doctorate Recipients (SDR)