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Text & Data Mining Sources

Access text and data mining sources and text analysis tools.

Text & Data Mining Sources

Use this guide to identify resources available for text and data mining. The guide is broken out into these main sections:

  • Access Collections
    Lists library subscription and popular free resources which allow or are suitable for text and data mining.
  • Historic Newspaper & Text Data
    Lists raw XML text data purchased by the University Libraries to be used for text and data mining.

The following sections explain each source's limitations and provides recommendations for available sources.

It is important to note that not all online resources allow text mining and that there are legal and ethical limitations to consider. If you need assistance with or are not sure about what the source you are interested in allows, contact and we can guide you through the process.

This guide is a companion to the Text Analysis Tools InfoGuide, which explains how to text and data mine and suggests popular tools that can help you.

Related Guides

Please see the following related infoguides for further help with your digital project.