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George Mason University Infoguides | University Libraries
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Special Education

Resources related to special education.

Student walking across campus. There are cherry blossom trees blooming in the background

Begin Special Education Research

Use this subject guide to discover special education resources available to you at Mason.  

  • Begin Your Research - connect to the pages of this infoguides, use the Metasearch tool, connect to other infoguides, or contact the Education Librarian
  • Find Articles - key databases and journals for special education
  • Find Books - Find Mason special education e-books and print books
  • Find Videos - access the video and stream video collections for special education.  Click the link to access the Teaching Channel
  • Search Tips - database search tips and how to use a thesaurus to find search terms
  • Write & Cite - examples and information on citing references using APA format and Zotero
  • Get Help - make an appointment with the Education Librarian, use Virtual reference, access other academic support

Specialized Education Topics Infoguides

Click below for Course Guides related to Human Development & Family Science