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George Mason University | University Libraries
See Updates and FAQs for the latest library services updates. Subject Librarians are available for online appointments, and Virtual Reference has extended hours.

Research Support

Library services that support faculty research such as issuing DOIs, repository and open access publishing services for sharing and archiving research, metadata, data management, ORCiD, biosketches, copyright and Creative Commons.

The University Libraries provides services, resources, and expertise to help researchers throughout their research process. Whether you need help with locating information, project planning, managing data, or collaborating, sharing, preserving, and publishing, we're here to help.

  • The Digital Scholarship Center (DDSS) partners with students, faculty, and staff by providing research support to facilitate digital research and teaching at the university across disciplines. DDSS assists with data; GIS; digital humanities; relevant software and technology, and research data management and data management plans. DDSS staff also provide consultations and conduct workshops.
    To get started contact
  • The Mason Publishing Group offers services and resources for creating, curating, disseminating, and preserving scholarly, creative and educational works. Mason Publishing also provides assistance with publishing open access journals, conference proceedings, and books. Areas of expertise include Open Access and Digital Publishing and Repository Services. To get started contact
  • Scholarly Communications provides support for Copyright, Open Access, and Open Educational Resources.
  • Subject Librarians specialize in a variety of subject disciplines and can provide advice on information discovery and more. Reach out to your subject librarian for more information.

How We Help

Mason Libraries' Digital Scholarship Center, the Mason Publishing Group, Scholarly Communications, and subject librarians provide consultations to support you throughout the research cycle. If you're not sure who to contact, we all collaborate and work with each other and we'll be sure to set you up with the right person or people. To get started, use the contact information included in the above links.

Through memberships to consortia and organizations we're able to provide researchers with access to enhanced research tools and services. Some of our memberships include: