Learn more about George Mason University Libraries research data management services, or contact Data & Digital Scholarship Services at datahelp@gmu.edu.
What steps has OSF taken to comply with GDPR?
What types of data does OSF collect?
Can I have my data deleted?
Additional questions can be found on the OSF FAQs - Security page.
COS uses several third-party vendors to help operate OSF and its suite of products. This document provides a list of third-party vendors and their purposes, organized by category. Please refer to our Privacy Policy to understand why and when COS shares information with third-party vendors.
Additional information about third-party vendors can be found here.
You must be an admin on a project or component in order to change the privacy settings. If you're an admin, you can make your project private or public and alternate between the two settings. You can have different privacy settings on your project and components, thus controlling which parts of your overall project are public or private. This help guide walks you through how to make all or parts of your project public or private.
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