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Network Analysis

This guide defines network analysis and discusses several network analysis tools and methods

What is Network Analysis?

At its most basic level, a network is any connection to anything else. In order for a network to be meaningful, it has to be a system of elements or entities that are connected by relationships. These relationships are the defining feature of networks, as opposed to content or components. People study networks because they believe that the network itself is in some way significant and that the parts that make up the network are interdependent, not independent. Network analysis can be used to identify emerging patterns within a dataset. One kind of network analysis is social network analysis, which analyzes social structures through the use of networks.  

Related InfoGuides

See these guides for more help with your digital scholarship project.

  • Data VisualizationLearn about best practices and tools to visualize data using charts and maps
  • Digital HumanitiesA guide to the concepts and tools of the expanding field of digital humanities
  • Learn Python for Data. Resources to learn and use the open source programming environment Python for data science
  • Learn R. Resources to learn and use the open source statistical software R

Data & Digital Scholarship Services staff have created many guides about digital scholarship, which you can view here.