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International Commerce and Policy (ICP)

Research international trade, development, and risk. Designed for the ICP program in the Schar School.

Read Major Newsources

Some of the most popular sources for policy, government, and current affairs are listed below. They have been organized by direct subscriptions, meaning you can login to the newspaper's website directly and read as if you paid for access yourself, and some of them are indirect subscriptions, meaning we have access to newspaper content via one or more of our database platforms. 

Direct subscriptions:


Indirect Subscriptions

  • Washington Post

We don't have direct access to The Washington Post, but it is searchable in our Factiva database (see the box below named " News Databases" for more information on Factiva). 

  • Foreign Policy

For indirect access to the general publication through available databases, click here:

  • Forbes Magazine

Access the content from Forbes Magazine digitally through our Business Source Complete, Factiva, and Nexis Uni databases here:

  • Harvard Business Review

For indirect access to the general publication through our Business Source Complete Database, click here:


Selected News Databases

In addition to direct subscriptions, the library has many databases dedicated to news with various options to search newspapers worldwide. These are excellent starting sources to locate them: