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Higher Education

This guide is intended to serve as a gateway to organized resources related to research, studying, and teaching in Higher Education

Higher Education Administration


Community Colleges


Community-University Partnerships


Distance Education


International Higher Education


Comprehensive Internationalization Framework

Comprehensive internationalization is defined by the American Council on Education (ACE) as a strategic, coordinated process that seeks to align and integrate policies, programs, and initiatives to position colleges and universities as more globally oriented and internationally connected institutions.

Based on its work colleges and universities in the ACE Internationalization Laboratory and other institutions, ACE has identify six interconnected target areas that require attention and resources in order to achieve truly comprehensive internationalization. Together, these comprise the ACE Model for Comprehensive Internationalization:

Image of the 6 components of the six target areas of the model

For detailed information about the  six interconnected target areas pictured above, click on the following link:  Comprehensive internationalization Framework.

Visit the Internalization Toolkit which includes examples of policies, programs, surveys, and information from participants in the Internalization Laboratory program and other institutions.

Legislation & the Law


Minorities & Gender


Policy & Planning


Program Evaluation


Cambridge Journals Online 
Over 125 specialized journals from renowned research societies and associations in the sciences, social sciences, and humanities.

Education Full Text 
Coverage of education-related English-language periodicals, monographs & yearbooks. Topics include: comparative education, educational technology, multicultural/ethnic education, teaching methods, literacy standards, school administration & others.

Education Research Complete 
Education Research Complete covers all aspects of education including multilingual education, health education, testing, curriculum instruction, administration, policy, funding, and all levels of education from early childhood to higher education.

Educational Administration Abstracts 
Abstracts of literature concerning educational administration, including educational leadership, educational management, and educational research.

Social Sciences Citation Index 
A multidisciplinary database, with searchable author abstracts for over 60% of the articles, covering the journal literature of the social sciences

Student Services

This page links to resources related to issues in student services in higher education.  Including relevant:

  • Journals
  • Looking for a specific journal
  • Databases
  • Books
  • Professional Organizations

Teaching Methods & Curriculum