Are you unsure how to approach world theater for your research? Here are some common research approaches you might use. However, remember that these are just selected examples, and there are many other approaches available based on your topic area and interests.
Ethnographic research: Research the cultural context and theatrical traditions of a particular region or community. Learn about cultural significance, performance practices, and lived experiences of theater in a specific context.
Comparative analysis: Comparing and contrasting theatrical forms, styles, and practices across different cultures and regions can reveal similarities, differences, and cross-cultural influences. This approach can help identify universal elements that transcend geographical boundaries, as well as unique cultural expressions.
Historical research: Examine the historical development of theater traditions, including their origins, evolution, and influence over time.
Textual and literary analysis: Analyzing play scripts can reveal insights into the themes, narratives, and artistic expressions of different theatrical practices from various cultures.
Performance analysis: Study performances by analyzing elements such as staging, acting, costume design, music, and audience interaction.
Theater through frameworks: Examine theater within broader cultural social, and political contexts or frameworks such as gender, race, colonialism, democracy, disability, etc.
In the boxes below, you can discover some books about research methodologies, and frameworks to start with. We encourage you to explore additional books and resources as well.
There are also external resources you can consult when navigating the relationships between art and society. These resources can serve as general tools to consider when researching the influences and impacts of art and culture at local, national, and international levels.
Arts Impact Explorer (Americans for the Arts)
Provides 29 frameworks through which art and culture can create social, cultural, educational and economic impacts. It offers a comprehensive lens through which to analyze the multifaceted roles and effects of art and culture.
Provides a spectrum of 33 research arenas, serving as dynamic themes that activate connections between art, society, and creativity. The Meridians are a research catalyst, promoting in-depth exploration of social issues while facilitating cross-fertilization and integrative approaches to social change across sectors and disciplines.
Provides 17 agendas that local, national, and global communities need to address for peace and prosperity for people and the planet. Students and researchers can use this tool to examine how theatrical traditions contribute to areas like education, gender equality, social inclusion, environmental sustainability, and addressing global challenges. Introduction Video
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