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George Mason University Infoguides | University Libraries
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Arlington Graduate Research Day

Here we have links to the sessions of the grand Arlington Graduate Research Day, set for the morning of Monday October 12th 2020

Introduction to Library Services

The University Libraries have a wide range of services that are of extraordinary value to Graduate Students.

Join Chris Magee in getting a taste of all the Libraries have to offer!


  • The Special Collections Research Center
  • Mason Publishing
  • Data & Digital Scholarship Services
  • Interlibrary Loan & WRLC
  • Subject Specialist Librarians

.... AND MORE!

Graduate Research & Writing

Writing and research at the Graduate level is a definite shift from the work that is expected from Undergraduates.

From engaging with new and specialized resources, more critical reading and synthesis, handling Literature Reviews and other more robust forms of research, critical engagement, and more

Join Kim MacVaugh in getting a better handle on the challenge to make your research and writing efforts less arduous and more efficient!


Zotero is a Citation Management program developed right here at George Mason University!

Keeping track of sources and materials is a significant part of Graduate level studies, regardless of field and discipline.  Managing these sources in a more robust fashion can take away issues in using, and re-using, sources significant to your area of study!  No more saving things to a random folder on your desktop!  No more short-lived naming conventions for PDFs!

Zotero also can assist in your writing, putting all those sources and the information thereof through a variety of citation and bibliography creating options.  While no tool is perfect, Zotero can turn that last rush of work for your papers into a decidedly less-bad experience.

Join Chris Magee in seeing Zotero first-hand and what it can do for you!