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George Mason University | University Libraries
See Updates and FAQs for the latest library services updates. Subject Librarians are available for online appointments, and Virtual Reference has extended hours.

Research Support

Library services that support faculty research such as issuing DOIs, repository and open access publishing services for sharing and archiving research, metadata, data management, ORCiD, biosketches, copyright and Creative Commons.

ORCiD provides a unique persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher. Your ORCID ID ensures that the research objects you produce (or have already produced), such as articles, reviews, datasets, media, lab notebooks, experiments, and more, are affiliated with your name exclusively. Mason Libraries is a Member. |

SciENcv is a profile system that helps researchers assemble the professional profile needed to participate In federally funded research. Use SciENcv to generate the biosketch required by NIH and other funders.

SciENcv: Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae
Use this guide to get started with creating your biosketch.