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ARTH 374 - Art Now!

Research tips and resources for Prof. McGuire's ARTH374 - Art Now! course.

Check Museum, Gallery, and Artist Websites

Go right to the source! Does your artist have a website, or are they represented by a gallery or dealer that has images of their work online? Artists' and gallery websites often link to exhibition reviews or books & catalogs that review their work, which can be a great source to find more information.

Look for artists or themes/movements in art encyclopedias

Encyclopedias and other reference sources are excellent starting points to get background information on a topic.

Important note: Reference sources usually provide general information and usually should not be your main source for research. They can provide critical details artists and movements, but do not present scholarly perspectives or original arguments about those details.

Read historic/primary writings on a topic

In addition to writings by or about an individual artist, look for the original essays or manifestos that described ideas and theories around a time, place, or movement.