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African and African American Studies
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African and African American Studies Books @ George Mason
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African and African American Studies Books @ George Mason
Anderson, Talmadge and Stewart, James.
Introduction to African American Studies: Transdisciplinary Approaches and Implications
. Trenton, NJ: Imprint Editions, 2007.
Asante, Moleti Kete and Karenga, Maulana, Editors.
Handbook of Black Studies
. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2006.
Asante, Moleti Kete and Mazama, Ama, Editors.
Encyclopedia of Black Studies
. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2005.
BaNikongo, NIkongo.
Leading Issues in African American Studies
. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press,1995.
Bobo, Jacqueline, et al.
The Black Studies Reader
. NY: Routledge, 2004.
Bradley, Anthony, editor.
Black Scholars in White Spaces: New Vistas in African American Studies from the Christian Academy
. Eugene, OR: Pickwick Press, 2015.
Conyers, James L. editor.
Qualitative methods in Africana Stuides: an Interdisciplinary Approach to Examining Africana Phenomena
. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America, 2016.
Davidson, Jeanette R.
African American Studies
. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2021.
Edozie, Rita Kiki.
Malcolm X’s Michigan Worldview: An Exemplar for Contemporary Black Studies
, Vearsa, 2015.
Ferguson, Stephen C.
Philosophy of African American Studies
. NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.
Gates, Henry Louis and Burton, Jacqueline.
Call and Response: Key Debates in African American Studies
. NY: W.W. Norton, 2008.
Gordon, Lewis R. and Gordon, Jane Anna.
A Companion to African American Studies
. Oxford: Blackwell, 2006.
Griffin, Farah Jasmine.
Inclusive Scholarship: Developing Black Studies in the United States
. NY: Ford Foundation, 2007.
Hall, Perry.
In the Vineyard:
Working in African American Studies
. Knoxville, TN: U of Tennessee Press,1999.
Hayes, Floyd W., III.
A Turbulent Voyage: Readings in African American Studies
. San Diego: Collegiate Press, 2000.
McDougal, Seree, III.
Research Methods in Africana Studies
. NY: Peter Lang, 2017.
Norment, Nathaniel, Jr.
African American Studies Reader
Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, 2007.
Rooks, Noliwe M.
White Money/Black Power: the Surprising History of African American Studies and the Crisis of Race in Higher Education
. Boston: Beacon Press, 2006.
Schomberg Center for Research in Black Culture.
G.K. Hall Interdisciplinary Bibliographic Guide to Black Studies
. Detroit: Gale, 2000-
Warren, Nagueyatte.
Grandfather of Black Studies: W.E.B. Dubois
. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 2011.
Warren, Nagueyatte.
An Intellectual Biography of W.E.B. Dubois, Initiator of Black Studies in the University
. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellon Press, 2010.
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