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US History Sources 1940s-Present

Primary source resources and secondary sources for the World War II, Cold War, Civil Rights Movement, Vietnam War, and Recent Eras in American History, from the 1940s to the present.

Major Periodical Collections

Major Newspaper Collections

Proquest Historical Newspapers

GMU subscribes to several individual newspaper titles from ProQuest. Each has a different scope so be sure to look at the dates of coverage for each title.

Specialized Periodical Sources

This is not an exhaustive list. (for a list of our holdings see Electronic Journals by Title). These examples are meant to provide examples of what you may encounter when searching for periodicals that are still in copyright.



This is not an exhaustive list. (for a list of our holdings see Electronic Journals by Title). These examples are meant to provide examples of what you may encounter when searching for periodicals that are still in copyright.

This is not an exhaustive list. (for a list of our holdings see Electronic Journals by Title). These examples are meant to provide examples of what you may encounter when searching for periodicals that are still in copyright.

This is not an exhaustive list. (for a list of our holdings see Electronic Journals by Title). These examples are meant to provide examples of what you may encounter when searching for periodicals that are still in copyright.

See Links Resources in the Main Database Wizard by subject: For example,

Computer Science and IT  or Engineering  or Biology.

National Geographic

Popular Mechanics

Popular Science

Scientific American

This is not an exhaustive list. (for a list of our holdings see Electronic Journals by Title). These examples are meant to provide examples of what you may encounter when searching for periodicals that are still in copyright.


The Nation

Saturday Evening Post


This is not an exhaustive list. (for a list of our holdings see Electronic Journals by Title). These examples are meant to provide examples of what you may encounter when searching for periodicals that are still in copyright.

The Nation

National Review

New Republic

Partisan Review

This is not an exhaustive list. (for a list of our holdings see Electronic Journals by Title). These examples are meant to provide examples of what you may encounter when searching for periodicals that are still in copyright.