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Atlases & Maps

A guide to help discover print and online atlases & maps available at Mason and outside

Finding Locations of Atlases and Map Collection

  • General and thematic atlases collection can be found at the stacks in the range of call numbers, G 1019-G4400 in Fenwick.
  • Large Reference Atlases can be found in the Atlas cases in the reference collection area in 1st floor, Wing C, Fenwick
  • Individual sheet maps such as USGS Topographic Maps (all US 50 states) and the folded geological map series, and National GeoIntelligence Agency and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) can be found  in 1st floor, Wing C in Fenwick Library.
  • Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps: (historical, detailed information in cities and towns) can be found in microform section in 1st floor, Wing C in Fewnick Library and the digital version covering the areas of DC, VA, DE, CO, MT, NM (1867-1970) is available through the database portal. It's a great resource for genealogy research by browsing the neighborhoods where family and friends lived. See the entire online Sanborn Map Collection (via LC) and the guide to use the online (UWM).
  • Harrison Mann Digitized Map Collection (via Mason Archival Repository Services or MARS).

Search Tips for Atlases and Maps

  • To find atlases and maps at Mason, use Keyword search with "Atlas (or maps) AND "india" (a place name) as example.
  • To find all map (or atlas) collection in the libraries, use the catalog and search keyword (atlas and world), then use " Set Limit" function (=search limits) and choose, "Map" as medium.