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International Security

Research tools on international security and terrorism.

Find Books at Mason


Still can't find the item? Use Interlibrary Loan (ILL) to request books, media and articles from other libraries when they are not available at Mason or the WRLC. Start your research early if you want to take advantage of this wonderful service as it can take up to 2 weeks.

Get books delivered to your campus

You can request books from any Mason or WRLC campus via our new, improved catalog. Start by searching at

Is the item you need on a different Mason campus?

Click on the item you want to open its catalog record. Then scroll down to "Get it". From there click on the request option provided. This screenshot shows you where to look in the item record. Make sure you're logged in! 

Can't find the item at Mason? Expand your search to include the WRLC.

From your search results screen, you can expand your search to include our consortium partner libraries. This screenshot shows you how.

Can't find the item through Mason or the WRLC? 

Place an Interlibrary Loan request and we'll try to find a library who does. Please consider if you really need the item before placing the request (why).

How to find a "peer-reviewed book" (for Professor Root's ITRN 500)

How to check if your book will work for this assignment: 

  1. Look for the book's publisher (usually listed on the title page). It should be a university press.
  2. Look at the book's table of contents. If each chapter has a different author, you can't use this book. If the whole book is written by one author (or team of authors), it's suitable for this assignment.

3 steps to search for a peer reviewed monograph (a book published by a university press):

Step 1: Start at this search page. (It's the library's advanced search)

Step 2: Enter your search terms and the phrase "university press" as shown in the example here:

Image shows the advanced search page with "university press" in any field, then "india and finance" in the title field, and the search limited to books.

STEP 3: Click on a book title that interests you & check the following:

  • Scroll down until you see the publisher. It should be a university press (e.g. Stanford University Press)
  • Look for the book's author. Check that the book is all written by one author or team of authors. If you see chapters by different authors, you can't use this book. If the item record lists an editor instead of an author, that's a red flag.