Once you have a case, find out basic information about it such as:
- The full name of the accused;
- When and where the crime(s) occurred;
- In which jurisdiction they were tried and when; and
- A case number for each level at which the case was adjudicated.
This information will be useful when you are looking for court opinions and docket information. Wikipedia can be useful for this type of basic information, but remember that the articles may have varying levels of accuracy.
Look in books for information on the case.
Look for articles on your case. Also try the databases below.
Look for:
- Case opinions - Nexis Uni and Google Scholar - Legal Opinions search; and
- Docket information - Look at the judicial site for the State in which the case was tried as they often have a case search option. The docket information will often include a list of those who testified at the trial.
- Testimony - A Google search on the name of the forensic expert and the word testimony, as well as the last name of the accused can often yield transcripts of the expert's trial testimony.