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Educational Leadership

Resources related to U.S. and international educational leadership

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Welcome to the Educational Leadership Portal

Use this guide to discover resources available to you at Mason on numerous aspects of Educational Leadership including: 

  • Find Education Leadership and the Law - includes key databases, journals, legal databases, legal journals, books and online Education Law Resources and tips for searching Nexis-Uni legal searches.
  • Find International Education Leadership - Key databases, journals, e-books, and web resources for international education policy, intercultural competence and social justice research as they apply to international education leadership.
  • Find Instructional LeadershipKey databases, journals, e-books, and web resources focusing on curriculum policy and practice and supervision policies and practice relating to international education leadership
  • Find Teaching and Teacher Education Resources - includes key databases, journals, e-books and web resources
  • Find Education Policy -  includes key databases, journals, e-books and web resources related to educational leadership
  • Find Organization Theory - Key databases, journals, e-books, and web resources for organization theory as it relates to international education leadership.
  • Find Ways of KnowingKey databases, journals, e-books, and web resources for Ways of Knowing as it relates to international education leadership
  • Find Government Resources - provides Federal and State information resources related to education and the law or legislation
  • Find Research Methods Find information on education research methods, research journals, e-books, U.S. and world education statistics, country profiles and web resources
  • Prepare Your Dissertation - Resources to guide you through the dissertation process including: working on your dissertation/thesis, University Dissertation Theses & Services, and the George Mason University Writing Center
  • Writing Center Citation Support - Information on writing papers in APA format and APA reference examples.
  • Get Help - Chat with a librarian or set up an appointment with your Education Librarian and access information on library services for George Mason students and faculty

Education meta search tool

This tool allows you conduct a real-time search across 20 databases and ejournal collections.