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Statista User Guide

APA Style

Every Statista chart has a citation. Find it on the left side of the chart, select your citation style, and grab generated the citation. Click on the image below to see it full size.

Change It Tips APA:

  1. After pasting the citation in your paper, create a hanging indent. (follow this link to see how).
  2. Make it double spaced (follow this link to see how).
  3. Change the font to Times New Roman 12.

It Should Look Like: APA

NCES. (n.d.). Percentage of 2-year college students who were employed in the

U.S. in 2014, by their attendance status & hours worked per week.

In Statista - The Statistics Portal. Retrieved May 10, 2016, from


MLA Style

Every Statista chart has a citation. Find it on the left side of the chart, select your citation style, and grab generated the citation. Click on the image below to see it full size.


Change It Tips MLA:

  1. After pasting the citation in your paper, create a hanging indent. (follow this link to see how).
  2. Make it double spaced (follow this link to see how).
  3. Change the font to Times New Roman 12.
  4. Change any words inappropriately capitalized to lower case (such as in The U.S.)
  5. Delete the URL.

It Should Look Like: MLA

NCES. "Percentage of 2-year College Students Who Were Employed in

the U.S. in 2014, by Their Attendance Status & Hours Worked per

Week." Statista - The Statistics Portal. Statista. September 2015. Web.

10 May 2016.