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EFHP 860: Critical Perspectives in Exercise, Fitness, and Health Promotion

Scoping Reviews

Topic & Objective

Topic & Objective

  Definition Example
Topic A broad statement outlining the focus of the review. Sometimes this is posed as a broad question instead.

Nurse-led models of care in the field of chronic disease management


An objective is a clear, succinct statement that conveys:

  • Why the review should be conducted
  • What the review will add to the reader's knowledge in the field
  • What specifically is being investigated about the topic under investigation
Nurse-led models of care are an emerging approach across a number of areas of health care. The objective of this review is to report on nurse-led models of care in chronic disease. The review seeks to examine whether there are different types of nurse-led models, the kinds of chronic disease care for which nurse-led models have been used and what facilitators and/or barriers have been reported relating to the success and/or failures of the model.

Research Question(s)/Sub-Questions (The number of research questions is dependent upon the objective of the scoping review)

Definition Example
Sub-questions Specific questions that the review must pose in order to meet your objective.

What nurse-led models of care are used to manage chronic disease?

What chronic diseases have been managed using nurse-led models?

What has been reported to be a facilitator/barrier for the success of these models?

Primary questions Core questions that relate directly to the topic, and determine the content that must be addressed by all sources of evidence to be considered relevant.

What nurse-led models of care are used to manage chronic disease?

What chronic diseases have been managed using nurse-led models?

Secondary questions Provide contextual or additional information about the topic. Not all of your included articles need to address these questions.

What has been reported to be a facilitator/barrier for the success of these models?

SOURCE: Adapted from the Scoping Review Guide from the University of South Australia. Define Topic & Question.