Source: Adapted from the University of South Australia. Screening Overview -
Screening overview
Once you have run your search on the databases identified in your protocol, you need to screen the results. Screening is a two-part process in which you determine whether each individual article meets your inclusion criteria, and therefore should be included in your review.
To reduce bias, you must have a minimum of two reviewers to screen - yourself and someone else from your review team.
How do I screen?
After you've finished creating your search strategy, save the final version in each database that you identified in your protocol. Once you have them all ready to go, run your search on each database and export all of your results to a citation manager (e.g. SciWheel or Zotero)
In the citation manager, use a separate group or folder to store the results from each database. Keep your references safe and backed up, as you will need to refer back to it for full text and your PRISMA flowchart (reporting).
From SciWheel or Zotero, export your references as a .csv file. Then revise the labels as needed to satisfy screening objectives described in the protocol.
NOTE: There are other options available for managing citations and screening titles/abstracts and full-text results. However, for this assignment, SciWheel will be used.