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CONF 490 - RS: Integration

This guide supports the research needs for students completing their capstone project in CONF 490.

Find Books at Mason


Still can't find the item? Use Interlibrary Loan (ILL) to request books, media and articles from other libraries when they are not available at Mason or the WRLC. Start your research early if you want to take advantage of this wonderful service as it can take up to 2 weeks.

Call Ranges for Conflict Resolution Books

As an interdisciplinary area locating books for research in conflict resolution varies by focus. Here is a short list of call number ranges:

GN 301-674: Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology.

HM 711-1281: Social systems

HQ 281: Human trafficking. Transnational crime.

HV 6430-6433.8: Terrorism

JV: Colonization, immigration and international migration

JZ: International relations

KF: Dispute resolution, mediation (US)

KZ: International law

U: Military